Tuesday, March 9, 2010



Except for professional Afro-Americans and those fortunate enough to work in the Big Three automotive industry, Black American citizens have borne the brunt of recent Federal domestic spending cuts. Housing, health care, education, anti-poverty, and transportation program benefits have all dried up or have been greatly reduced and have stranded large groups of Black citizens to live in decayed and socially inadequate urban centers. They live as a hidden island of humanity
surrounded by the seemingly sumptuous accommodations of neighboring suburban residential and commercial communities of better trained and educated White Americans. These so-called city “ghettos” are in reality only dumping grounds for the nation’s massive and ever deteriorating social and economic human refuse and a breeding ground for a multitude of anti-social acts of tragically dysfunctional families. African Americans now number approximately thirty-five million souls — enough for a country of their own.
Israel did it and Quebec is trying — both have populations of six million people. Deprived and discounted Black Americans number in the millions. The United States Department of Health reports that six hundred thousand — 600,000 men, women and children remain homeless every night in the United States of America. Five
million — 5,000,000 — American families and recipients received USA welfare benefits in 2001.

There are six million men and women incarcerated in the nation’s prisons — 100 of which will be executed each year. The advent of the nation’s concerns about street crimes, property security and personal safety have given rise to a national culture of state control and has given birth to a host of repressive laws governing individual behaviors including the dreaded and highly dangerous policy of racial and minority “profiling.”

American politicians have demonstrated that they do not have the personal or party will to financially attack this international social and civic embarrassment in order to end forever the lingering affliction of being born a Black Citizen of
the United States of America. Black Americans should not waste their considerable talents time and money trying to change the White America society in which they live and work daily. They should be applying their enormous talents and energies creating their own society, culture, and eventual nationhood somewhere in the world. If they do not act with confidence their once-in-alifetime opportunity may disappear from their sights forever. It gets tougher to do every year.

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